Systems Council Chapters are located worldwide and provide an opportunity for those in the field of systems engineering to collaborate and network at the local level.

Chapter Listing    Student Branch Chapter Listing


Creating a Systems Council Chapter

If you are interested in starting a new Systems Council chapter, joint chapter, or student branch chapter, please visit the resources on the IEEE website.

Request a Distinguished Lecturer

Request a DL
The Council has Distinguished Lecturers (DLs) that are available on request to present at Chapter events.

Chapter and Student Branch Chapter of the Year Awards

Nominate your SYSC Chapter or Student Branch Chapter

Chapter Chair Toolbox


All IEEE Chapters must hold and report at least two (2) technical meetings per year to be viable as defined by the IEEE. Reporting of these meetings can be completed via vTools. Please note that the report must be completed in full including the post-meeting report and additional fields (i.e. attendance) to be officially submitted and accounted for. This is very important as we do not want any chapters to be terminated due to reporting non-compliance

We encourage you to submit a brief report of your technical event not exceeding one page with at least 3-4 photos of the event to the Chapter Chair within a week of the event. Reports and photos may be included in the Council’s newsletter and/or on the Council’s website.

Go to IEEE vTools

Funding Opportunities

Chapter Annual Support

Chapters are encouraged to apply annually for financial support of up to $500 USD ($250 for Student Branch Chapters) to fund local SYSC chapter activities and small initiatives. Funding will be automatically approved upon completion of the form and review of the VP Member Services. There are no additional requirements.

The deadline for application submission is December 31 for each calendar year. The information to be included in the form refers to the current year when the application is submitted.

Chapter Annual Support Request Form

Advertising Chapter Activities

The Systems Council is available to offer guidance and support of various chapter events, workshops, and other chapter initiatives. The Council can advertise your Chapter’s activities to our systems engineering community via various marketing channels including our website, social media, and quarterly newsletter. Please use the Marketing Request Form to submit your requests.

Marketing Request Form

Chapter Listing

Region 1 (Northeastern U.S.)

Region 5 (Southwestern U.S.)

Region 6 (Western U.S.)

Region 7 (Canada)

Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Region 9 (Latin America)

Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)

Student Branch Chapter Listing

Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Region 9 (Latin America)

Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)