The IEEE Systems Council Ad Hoc Education Committee has been charged with coordinating and fostering educational initiatives and aims to offer high-quality educational activities to the Systems Council’s participants and the systems engineering community.
The production and distribution of quality tutorials developed by systems engineering experts hosted on the IEEE Resource Center
Specialized meetings, symposia, workshops, and dedicated conference sessions related to the education of systems engineering students
Recommendations of educational materials such as books and technical education programs
Provide oversight and direction of the educational resources made available in electric form
The IEEE Systems Council Resource Center features tutorials and talks from industry experts and professionals in the field of systems engineering, the Systems Council Distinguished Lecturers, and other webinars.
If you are interested in creating a talk or tutorial to be featured on the Council's Resource Center, please email the Council's Operations Manager.
Check out the featured talk from IEEE Fellow and Systems Council Distinguished Lecturer, Paul Hershey's, talk "The Application of Data Analytics to Assist Human Decision Making."
The Systems Council Distinguished Lecturer Program promotes the field of systems engineering to the scientific community and the public at large. The goal of the program is to increase awareness about topics relevant to Systems Council by creating a pool of subject matter experts and scholars to present to IEEE and Systems Council Chapters, Sections and other venues such as universities and companies.
Please contact the DL Program Committee Chair with all questions related to the DL Program.
Current Distinguished Lecturers

Online Distinguished Lecturers Program
Request a Distinguished Lecturer