Award/Recognition Menu
To honor long and distinguished service to the IEEE Systems Council at a level of dedication and achievement rarely demonstrated.
1000 USD and a plaque.
This award is funded by the IEEE Systems Council. The Council budget includes the amount for this award AND the Council budget is net positive with the inclusion of the award.
This award will be presented at the annual IEEE International Systems Conference.
Outstanding contributions over a substantial time period encompassing creative and invigorating leadership, exceptional administrative and managerial accomplishments, initiation of new programs to encourage wider participation in the full spectrum of Systems Council activities, and the general communication and advocacy of System Engineering to the technical community as a whole.
This award is open to all IEEE members that support the Systems Council. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.
For his untiring and expert contributions to the advancement of systems engineering at national and global levels.
For outstanding contributions during membership on the Council's Administrative Committee, especially in work related to conferences, and as Vice President for Conferences.