Award/Recognition Menu
To recognize a Systems Council Student Branch Chapter for significant activity and service to its members.
1000 USD and a Certificate. In addition, up to 1000 USD to attend the award ceremony at a Systems Council-sponsored conference can be authorized by the Systems Council President.
The application for this award shall include a description of the intended use of the monetary award .to ensure that it complies with IEEE policies and restrictions on awards.
The award will be funded out of the annual IEEE Systems Council operating budget.
The awards will be presented at an IEEE Systems Council Conference as decided by the Council’s president.
Criteria for chapter selection are noteworthy performance in one or more of the following categories:
-initiation and operation of programs or services to advance technology for the benefit of humanity,
-demonstrated leadership of Council activities or collaboration with member Societies,
-outstanding engagement of Systems Council participants, outreach to other IEEE members, or efforts to include IEEE affinity groups in chapter activities,
-exceptional administrative and managerial accomplishments such as chapter website or social media presence, number of chapter meetings, events, etc., and timeliness of reports.
Chapters must apply for the award, and summarize their activities, service, and accomplishments during the past three years with respect to the year when the award is presented. Awards are based on the application and Chapter reports. The Awards Committee will also consider whether the intended use of the monetary award is appropriate and complies with IEEE policies and restrictions on awards.
Must be an active IEEE Systems Council Chapter or Student Branch Chapter in good standing which has provided significant contributions and outstanding service to its members during the past three years with respect to the year when the award is presented. A Chapter can receive the award once in any given three-year period.
The eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulations established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.
Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter.
There shall be an open call for applications reaching all Student Branch Chapters sent via email to the chapter chairs. A nomination form will be available on the Systems Council website. Applications shall be submitted directly to the Systems Council Chapters Chair, who is responsible for vetting all the applications. The Chapters Chair shall work with the Awards Committee, which will manage the selection process. Outreach activities will strive to ensure that nominations are representative of the breadth of regions in the Council.