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Named in memory of James O. Gray, the scholarship recognizes students pursuing graduate studies in process control systems engineering, plant automation, or instrumentation measurement.


6000 USD and a certificate


Graduate level scholarship is funded by a donation from the James O. Gray Fieldbus Foundation Scholarship Fund to establish the James O. Gray Scholarship Fund managed by the IEEE Foundation.


The award will be presented a conference sponsored by the IEEE Systems Council or one of the Council’s member societies.

Basis for Judging

Evaluations will be based on the application and stated financial need. The application shall include an essay on why these fields of study are important and how the applicant could have impact in these fields. At least three letters of recommendation shall be provided, two of which shall be from current or former university professors who taught the applicant or know him the applicant personally.


IEEE Student Members studying process control systems engineering, plant automation or instrumentation measurement at the graduate level and a cumulative GPA of 2.8 (out of 4) or above, or equivalent measure of academic performance where GPA is not utilized. There is no minimum number of years for membership required.

No immediate family members of current members of the IEEE Board of Directors, the Systems Council Governing Board, the James O. Gray Scholarship Committee, or IEEE staff may be candidates, nominate or endorse candidates for this Scholarship.

Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.  

Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter.)  


Nomination Deadline
1 January (11:59 PM UTC)
Nomination Form
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