Awards Chair
Usman Munawar
CountryCANAffiliationPowertech Labs (A Subsidiary of BC Hydro)
Chapter Committee Chair
CountryUSAIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
Constitution & Bylaws Committee Chair
CountryCANIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
IEEE Entities Cooperation Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationIBM's Thomas J. Watson Research CenterIEEE RegionRegion 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationAppleIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
Non-IEEE Entities Cooperation Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Texas at ArlingtonIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
Distinguished Lecturer Committee Chair
CountryITAAffiliationUniversità degli Studi di MilanoIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
DEIB Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationLong Island University – Post CampusIEEE RegionRegion 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
Education (Ad Hoc) Committee Chair
CountryNORAffiliationUniversity of South-Eastern NorwayIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Fellows Evaluation Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationJohns Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryMembershipsAESS
Fellows Search Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Kansas, LawrenceIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
Finance Committee Chair
Shreekanth Mandayam
CountryUSAAffiliationTexas State University
Industry/Industry Professionals Committee Chair
IEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Life Member Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationSouthwest Research InstituteIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
Meetings and Conferences Committee Chair
CountryITAAffiliationUniversity of PerugiaIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Member Services Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Kansas, LawrenceIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
Nominations & Appointments Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationSouthwest Research InstituteIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
Publications Committee Chair
CountryCANAffiliationMcGill UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
Standards Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationKBR, IncIEEE RegionRegion 2 (Eastern U.S.)
Senior Members Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationSouthwest Research InstituteIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
Student Committee Chair
No Current Incumbents
WiSE Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of California, BerkeleyIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
Young Professionals Committee Chair
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignIEEE RegionRegion 4 (Central U.S.)