Bernard Lim

Bernard Lim


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Ir Dr Bernard is the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of Appscard Group AS and Appscard Global Research & Innovation Center, a technology startup in Penang, Malaysia, specializing in biometric smartcards. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in electronic and electrical engineering from Nottingham Trent University, Master of Business Administration (MBA) from University of Portsmouth and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from Wawasan Open University. He has also been appointed as an Adjunct Professor (Industry) at Asia Pacific University, Technology & Innovation (APU),
and Associate Fellow Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN, UKM). At APU, Bernard is the visiting professor to their Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He is also the Malaysian Business Angel Network (MBAN) Penang Chapter Vice-Chair establish to help with the Deep
Tech Industry in Malaysia.

He has 30 years of experience in the industry holding running and senior management roles in electronic manufacturing as well as co-founding a few tech startups. Currently, Bernard has been involved in technology startups since 2015. Bernard has co-founded or founded 4 technology startups companies
both in Malaysia (Appscard Global Research & Innovation Centre Sdn Bhd, Appscard Technology Sdn Bhd, Sandcomm Sdn Bhd, Logikhaus Sdn Bhd), Singapore (Tactilis Sdn Bhd) and Norway (Appscard Group AS). He has managed companies from different levels of staff, as founder from 5 people up to 4000
employees. Most of involvement in startup are coming from cutting edge technology. He has been with IEEE for over 26 years and holds multiple positions in various IEEE Technical Society, like IEEE Electronics Packaging Society and IEEE Electron Devices Society. Currently he is the Chair, IEEE Malaysia Section (2025-2026). He is also the Member of the IEEE Ad hoc Committee on Global Semiconductor and IEEE Electron Device Society Communication Chair. He was also elected as the IEEE Electron Devices Society, Board of Governors, for the term 2025-2027. He was the Chair, IEEE Region 10 Ad hoc Committee on Industry Engagement and Roundtable (2024). 

Bernard is a Professional Engineer, an Honorary Member of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization (AFEO), a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers in Malaysia (FIEM), and Fellow of the ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology. He is currently the Vice President of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (National Engineering Body).

He is also a permanent member for the technical committee on Innovation Management System (NSC 25/TC11) and has worked on various IEEE Standards like IEEE1588 and many other standards. He is currently actively engaged in prominent roles within various international and national engineering and tech associations, where he plays a crucial part in advisory capacities and committees focusing on areas such as innovation management, skill development, and material engineering.

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