Systems Journal Editor-in-Chief
AffiliationConcordia UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
Systems Journal Co-Editor-in-Chief
CountryAUSAffiliationSwinburne University of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
Systems Journal Chief Senior Editor
CountryGBRAffiliationCranfield UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Systems Journal Senior Editor
CountryROKAffiliationKorea UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryHKGAffiliationCity University of Hong KongIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryPRTAffiliationUniversidade de LisboaIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryBRAAffiliationInstitute of Computing of the University of CampinasIEEE RegionRegion 9 (Latin America)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of California, BerkeleyIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryTWNAffiliationNational Taiwan UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryPRTAffiliationFederal University of Piauí, Brazil; Instituto de TelecomunicaçõesIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryNORAffiliationUniversity of OsloIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Systems Journal Senior Associate Editor
CountryESPAffiliationTechnical University of MadridIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryCHEAffiliationZurich University of Applied SciencesIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of California, BerkeleyIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryCHNAffiliationThe University of Chinese Academy of SciencesIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
Systems Journal Associate Editor
CountryFINAffiliationLappeenranta University of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryESPAffiliationUniversity of CantabriaIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryDNKAffiliationAalborg UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountrySAUAffiliationPrince Sultan UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryAREAffiliationUniversity of SharjahIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryINDAffiliationIndian Institute of Technology RoorkeeIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryGBRAffiliationUniversity College LondonIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryITAAffiliationUniversity of L’AquilaIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryUSAAffiliationSan Jose State UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryCHNAffiliationSun Yat-sen UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationGlobal Energy Interconnection Research Institute North AmericaIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryCANAffiliationMemorial UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryTURAffiliationYildiz Technical UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryCANAffiliationYork UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryCANAffiliationUniversity of ManitobaIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryCHNAffiliationBeijing Institute of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationSyracuse UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
CountryGBRAffiliationThe University of SheffieldIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryAUSAffiliationThe University of AdelaideIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationBeijing Institute of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationHohai UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCANAffiliationUniversity of GuelphIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryCHEAffiliationETH ZürichIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryCANAffiliationConcordia UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryCANAffiliationPolytechnique MontrealIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryUSAAffiliationTexas A&M UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
CountryROKAffiliationPohang University of Science and TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryNORAffiliationØstfold University CollegeIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryUSAAffiliationSanta Clara UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryINDAffiliationIndian Institute of Technology GuwahatiIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryINDAffiliationChaudhary Charan Singh UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCANAffiliationConcordia UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountrySAUAffiliationKing Abdullah University of Science and TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryTWNAffiliationNational Sun Yat-Sen UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationHenan Polytechnic UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationZhejiang UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationOak Ridge National LaboratoryIEEE RegionRegion 3 (Southeastern U.S.)
CountryCHNAffiliationSouthern University of Science and TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationHarbin Institute of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
AffiliationDalian University of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationSouth China University of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryJPNAffiliationThe University of Electro-CommunicationsIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCANAffiliationConcordia UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryCHNAffiliationCentral South UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationLouisiana State UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
CountryINDAffiliationIndian Institute of Technology KharagpurIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
AffiliationHydro-Quebec's Research Institute (IREQ)IEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryPRTAffiliationInstituto de Telecomunicações (IT)IEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryCANAffiliationQueen’s UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryNLDAffiliationEindhoven University of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryFINAffiliationAalto UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryCHNAffiliationHarbin Institute of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryNLDAffiliationDelft University of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of California, RiversideIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryESPAffiliationUniversity of SevilleIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryUSAAffiliationAppleIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Colorado, BoulderIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
CountryFINAffiliationUniversity of VaasaIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryITAAffiliationUniversity of SalernoIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryCHNAffiliationChongqing UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryINDAffiliationIndian Institute of Technology GoaIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationNankai UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationTsinghua UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationEast China University of Science and TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryTURAffiliationMugla Sitki Kocman UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryDEUAffiliationTechnical University of MunichIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryPAKAffiliationUniversity of SwatIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationZhejiang UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationDalian Maritime UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of California, Los AngelesIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryHKGAffiliationThe University of Hong KongIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationGlobal Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co. Ltd.IEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationTsinghua UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationChina Three Gorges UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
IEEE RegionRegion 2 (Eastern U.S.)
CountryHKGAffiliationThe Chinese University of Hong Kong – ShenzhenIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationTianjin UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountrySGPAffiliationSingapore University of Technology and DesignIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationYanshan UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationSoutheast UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationBeijing Information Science and Technology UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountrySGPAffiliationSingapore University of Technology and DesignIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryFRAAffiliationUniversity of LorraineIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryCANAffiliationUniversity of SaskatchewanIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountrySGPAffiliationNanyang Technological UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationSouth China University of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationNanchang UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationSoutheast University
CountryCHNAffiliationHarbin Institute of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCHNAffiliationZhengzhou UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryCANAffiliationNipissing UniversityMembershipsSMCSIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryCHNAffiliationTiangong UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
Past Systems Journal Editor-in-Chief
CountryITAAffiliationUniversity of MilanIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Systems Journal Founding Editor-in-Chief
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Texas, San AntonioIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
Systems Journal Editorial Advisory Board
CountryUSAAffiliationThe Ohio State UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 4 (Central U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Texas at San AntonioIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
CountryAZEAffiliationAzerbaijan State Oil AcademyIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryUSAAffiliationAir Force Institute of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 4 (Central U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Southern CaliforniaIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryROKAffiliationKorea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryFRAAffiliationEcole Centrale de LilleIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryUSAAffiliationBoston UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationCampbell UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 3 (Southeastern U.S.)
CountryGBRAffiliationLoughborough UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryUSAAffiliationCarnegie Mellon UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of ConnecticutIEEE RegionRegion 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationBEI Technologies Inc.IEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationMontrose Compliance Services, Inc.IEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationMontana State University-BozemanIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationThe Catholic University of AmericaIEEE RegionRegion 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationBoeingIEEE RegionRegion 2 (Eastern U.S.)
CountryCANAffiliationUniversity of AlbertaIEEE RegionRegion 7 (Canada)
CountryGRCAffiliationTechnical University of CreteIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of PittsburghIEEE RegionRegion 2 (Eastern U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of California, IrvineIEEE RegionRegion 6 (Western U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationThe University of Texas at AustinIEEE RegionRegion 5 (Southwestern U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteIEEE RegionRegion 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
CountryUSAAffiliationJohns Hopkins UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 2 (Eastern U.S.)
CountryCHNAffiliationChinese Academy of ScienceIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryJPNAffiliationKyushu Institute of TechnologyIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CountryUSAAffiliationUniversity of Missouri-RollaIEEE RegionRegion 4 (Central U.S.)