Stephanie White
Stephanie White
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Stephanie White is an educator, technical leader in system and software requirements/design, a corporate manager, and entrepreneur. Her research interests and publications are in systems science and engineering with an emphasis on modeling and semantic analysis of complex systems. She performed research for the Navy (NRL, NWC, and NSWC) and for Grumman and Northrop Grumman, leading to higher quality and lower cost products. Currently, Senior Professor Emeritus, Long Island University, she taught systems science, systems engineering, and computer science, and is still called on to participate on dissertation committees. As Principal Engineer, Requirements and Architecture, and Manager at Grumman Aerospace and Northrop Grumman, made recommendations regarding new technology and development, wrote proposals for military aircraft (E-2, F-14) and space programs (NASA, Missile Defense), and was involved in personnel recruitment and management. As President of her own company, Systems World, she performed research for the U.S. Navy under a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) contract. Her degrees include a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Polytechnic, now NYU Tandon School of Engineering, an M.S. in Mathematics from NYU, and a B.S. in Mathematics from CUNY. A lifelong IEEE volunteer, she was awarded the IEEE-USA Divisional Professional Leadership Award for inspiring women to study and work in STEM fields, and for leadership in diversity initiatives. She founded the Computer Society TC on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, is a member of the Computer Society’s Golden Core, was VP of Computer Society TAB, and is on the CS Board of Governors. She has held many positions in Systems Council, including that of President. She is currently Division X Director 2023-2024 and Systems Council VP Member Services.
- Present Systems Engineering Methods TC Chair(s) (Systems Engineering Methods Committee)
- Present Distinguished Lecturers Committee Members (Distinguished Lecturers Committee)
- Present Women in Systems Engineering Committee Members (Women in Systems Engineering (WiSE) Committee)
- 2025-Present DEIB Committee Chair (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee)
- 2025-Present DEI+B Representing SYSC in IEEE TAB Committee (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee)
- 2021-2024 VP Member Services (Officers)
- 2021-2024 Member Services Committee Chair (Member Services Committee)
- 2020-2022 Distinguished Lecturer Committee Chair (Distinguished Lecturers Committee)
- 2020-2020 Past President (Officers)
- 2018-2019 President (Officers)
- 2017-2017 President-Elect (Officers)
- 2016-2016 Secretary (Officers)
- 2015-2015 Secretary (Officers)
- 2014-2014 Secretary (Officers)
- 2013-2013 Secretary (Officers)
- 2012-2012 Secretary (Officers)
- 2011-2011 Secretary (Officers)
- 2010-2010 Secretary (Officers)
- 2009-2009 Secretary (Officers)
- 2020- WiSE Committee Chair (Women in Systems Engineering (WiSE) Committee)
- 2020- WiSE Committee Chair (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee)