Rajiv Joshi
Rajiv Joshi
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Dr. Rajiv V. Joshi is an IEEE Fellow, winner of the prestigious IEEE Daniel Noble award, and a key technical lead/Research Scientist at T. J. Watson Research Center, IBM. He received his B. Tech IIT (Bombay, India), M.S (MIT), and Dr. Eng. Sc. (Columbia University). He has successfully led innovations in technology, memories (SRAM, DRAM, and others), and predictive analytic techniques for yield prediction for IBM Server Groups and their products. His statistical techniques are tailored for machine learning and AI which are licensed and commercialized. His memory innovations and work are used in both IBM P and Z servers. His technology innovations set IBM’s leadership across the globe. He received 3 Outstanding Technical Achievement (OTAs), 3 highest Corporate Patent Portfolio awards for contributions in interconnect technologies, holds 73 invention plateaus, has over 290 US patents covering front end and back end of the line processes, and structures, volatile and non-volatile memories, Compute in Memory structures, machine learning algorithms, and quantum computing and over 425 international patents. He has authored and co-authored over 235 refereed papers, delivered over 60 invited/keynote talks, and given several Seminars. He received the NY IP Law Association “Inventor of the Year” award in Feb 2020. He is a Mercator Fellow at the University of Siegen, Germany. He received an industrial pioneer award in 2014 from the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. He received the Best Editor Award from the IEEE TVLSI journal. He was inducted into the New Jersey Inventor Hall of Fame in Aug 2014. He won the Mehboob Khan Award two times from Semiconductor Research Corporation. He won several best paper awards from ISSCC 1992, VMIC 1998, ICCAD 2009, and ISQED 2014. He is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology and a master inventor. He serves on the Board of Governors for IEEE CAS as an industrial liaison. He served on EC for DAC, ISLPED, CICC, ISCAS, AICAS, and APCCAS (2023) committees as well as the AE of TCAS I and TVLSI. He served as a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE CAS, CEDA, and EDS society. He is an ISQED and World Technology Network fellow and a distinguished alumnus of IIT Bombay. He served on the executive advisory committee for the Center of 3D Ferroelectric and Microelectronics at Penn State. He serves as an IEEE CAS Ambassador to India.