Ved Ram Singh
Ved Ram Singh
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Prof. (Dr) V.R.Singh, Ph.D. (Electrical Engg), IIT-Delhi and Life Fellow- IEEE and LF-IETE, LF-IE-I, LFASI/USI and LF-IFUMB/WFUMB, has over 37 years of research-cum-teaching experience in India and abroad (Univ of Toronto-Canada, KU Leuven- Belgium, Korea Univ, South Korea, TU-Delft, Netherlands, Univ of Surrey, UK, and others). He has been at National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, as a Director-grade-Scientist/Distinguished Professor and Head, Instrumentation, Micro/Nano Technology, Sensors, Biomedical Measurements and Standards. He is currently President of the Acoustical Society of India and Vice-President of Ultrasonic Society of India, and Chair, IEEE IMS/EMBS -Delhi. Presently, he is Director-cum-Advisor at PDM University, NCR-Delhi. He has over 350 papers, 250 talks, 260 conf papers, 4 books, 14 patents and 30 consultancies to his credit. Under his guidance, 30 Ph.D. scholars have earned Ph.D. degree while others are working with him. Dr. Singh has been the Associate Editor of IEEE Int Sensor Journal (2010-2016), Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements and Regional Editor of Int Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET). Apart from this, he is on Editorial/Reviewer Boards of other journals. like Sensors & Actuators (Switzerland), IEEE Trans on Engg in Med and Biology, J Computers in Electrical Engg (USA), J.Instn Electr Telecom Engrs, J.Instn Engrs -India, Ind J Pure & Appl Physics, J.of Instrm Soc Ind, J. Pure & Appl Ultrasonics, J. Life Science Engg, etc. He is the recipient of awards by INSA (Ind National Sci Academy)1974, NPL 1973, Thapar Trust 1983, ICMR (Ind Council of Med Res) 1984; Japan Soc. Ultr in Medicine 1985, Asian Federation of Societies of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 1987, IE-I(Institution of Engineers- India) 1988/ 1991, IEEE-EMBS 1999 and IEEE-2010/2011/2014, for his outstanding contributions. He has served as Guest Editor of Special Issues of JASI on Physical Acoustics and Ultrasonics (2016-17) and Medical Acoustics (2017-18) as well as on IETE Technical Review journal on Transducers (2002). He is the Chair of IEEE-EMBS/IMS-Delhi Chapter, President of Acoustical Society of India, and Vice President of Ultrasonic Society of India and has been the Vice President of Instrumentation Soc of India, Vice-President of IFSUMB, Secretary of IEEE India Council, and the Chairman of IEEE-Delhi Section. Dr. Singh is a Member of the IEEE Standards Association. He was also Council Member of WFUMB (Australia) Ultrasound Safety and Standards. He has served as the Chair or a Member of the BIS Committee on Elctro-Medical Committee in the past and presently, he is the Chairman of BIS-MHD-15 Committee. He has been the session chair,plenary/keynote/ invited speaker and on advisory boards of world congresses and national/international conferences, the world over. He is the Conf Organiser of WESPAC-2018, Nov 10 to 15, New Delhi. He has been a Distinguished Professor at NPL-India and Thapar University and is working as a Director/Advisor of PDM University, Delhi-NCR. His main areas of interest are sensors and transducers, instrumentation, Micro/Nanotechnology, biomedical standards, computer modeling, Internet of things and simulation, ultrasonics/medical acoustics, POCT devices, nano neuro-sensors/implants, nano-cancer-technology, cancer hyperthermia, tissue characterization, micro- lithotripsy, WSN, and u-health care.
- 2020-2024 Distinguished Lecturer