Lucio Ciabattoni

Lucio Ciabattoni

Università Politecnica delle Marche
IEEE Region
Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

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Lucio Ciabattoni (S’11-M’15) obtained the Automation Engineering Degree in 2010 (cum laude) and his PhD in Information Engineering in 2014 from the Politechnic University of Marche. In 2012/2013, he was a visiting scholar at The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA. Founder and CEO of the start-up META srl in April 2014 and Revolt srl since January 2017. Lucio is also a lecturer of Assistive Technologies and Home Automation since 2016. His research is related to human computer/machine interaction, residential energy management and eHealth. Lucio is a co-author of more than 80 international publications including 20+ CE society conferences publications. He cooperated with several other relevant research groups over the world and participated in different EU funded projects in the green energy field.IEEE Activities:
- General Chair, 2019 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Technologies (ISCT
2019 – Formerly ISCE)
- Chair IEEE Italy Section Consumer Electronics Society Chapter (2017 - present)
- Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (2017 - present)
- Technical Program Chair, ICCE Berlin 2018
- Publication Chair, ICCE Berlin 2017
- Technical Program Co-Chair, ZINC 2018, ZINC 2019, ICCE Berlin 2019
- CE Society DL committee (2019 - present)
Lucio has been actively serving as TCP, trackchair and reviewer of many CE conferences as IEEE
ICCE Vegas (2016 - present), IEEE ICCE Berlin (2016 - present), ZINC (2018 - present).

 He also serves as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

IEEE Systems Council Position History:
  • 2020-2023   CTSoc Secondary Representative (Membership Society Representatives)
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