Alexander Wyglinski
United States of America

Alexander Wyglinski

Worcester Polytechnic Institute
IEEE Region
Region 1 (Northeastern U.S.)

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Dr. Alexander M. Wyglinski is an internationally recognized expert in wireless communications, cognitive radio, 5G, connected vehicles, software-defined radio, dynamic spectrum access, satellite communications, vehicular technology, wireless system optimization and adaptation, autonomous vehicles, and cyber-physical systems. Dr. Wyglinski is a Full Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Full Professor of Robotics Engineering (courtesy appointment) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA, as well as the Director of the Wireless Innovation Laboratory (WI Lab).  Dr. Wyglinski is very active in the technical community, serving on the organizing committees of numerous technical conferences and several journal editorial boards. These activities include serving as the General Co-Chair for the 82nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference in Fall 2015, as well as Technical Editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine. From January 2018 to December 2019, Dr. Wyglinski served as the President of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, an applications-oriented society of approximately 5000 members that focuses on the theoretical, experimental, and operational aspects of electrical and electronics engineering in mobile radio, motor vehicles, and land transportation.  Throughout his academic career, Dr. Wyglinski has published approximately 45 journal papers, over 120 conference papers, nine book chapters, and three textbooks. He is currently being or has been sponsored by organizations such as The MathWorks, Toyota InfoTechnology Center U.S.A., Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Naval Research Laboratory, MITRE Corporation, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Office of Naval Research, Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate, and the National Science Foundation. Dr. Wyglinski is a Senior Member of the IEEE, as well as a member of Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Nu, and the ASEE. 

IEEE Systems Council Position History:
  • 2024-Present   VTS Primary Representative (Membership Society Representatives)
  • 2020-2023   VTS Secondary Representative (Membership Society Representatives)
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