Systems Biology and Biomedical Systems TC Chair
CountryTWNAffiliationProvidence UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)
Systems Biology and Biomedical Systems Committee Members
No Current Incumbents
The Technical Committee on Systems Biology and Biomedical Systems (TCSBBS) of the IEEE Systems Council addresses systems issues in biological systems. The primary aim is to address technical issues for systems biology as well as to apprehend relevant social and economic issues for relevant systems. The IEEE TCSBBS promotes and facilitates the exchange of research results and development in the areas of individual systems, biological businesses, applications, monitoring, measurements, prototyping and testbed development; social impact, public sector and clinical trials.
The TC supports and promotes technical tutorials, conferences, publications, standardization activities, student and young professional developments.
The primary goal of TCSBBS is to provide a platform for its members and the R&D community on standardization and community of electrochemistry/electrophysiology and fundamental sub-micron physics/engineering; neurotechnology-based systems, assistive systems, rehabilitation and health monitoring systems. The TC fosters interaction and exchange of technical ideas, to identify major R&D challenges as well as to develop collaborative solutions in the technological advances of biological systems. The technical areas of this TC addressed are inter-disciplinary that involve biology, physiology, signal processing, wireless sensing and data analytics. This TC not only covers relevant Systems Biology and Biomedical Systems but also investigate using various technologies and systems to achieve the objectives set out by the Systems Council. To participate or find out more, please contact the TC Chair.