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IEEE SYSC President Honored with 2024 MGA Leadership Award

Congratulations to Walt Downing on this prestigious honor!
3 months 1 week ago
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The IEEE MGA Leadership Award is presented annually and recognizes those individuals who have exhibited exemplary and substantive leadership of an extraordinary nature in implementing activities that support the goals of MGA at the local, regional, national, and/or international level.

On 23 November 2024, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board approved the recipients of the 2024 MGA Leadership Award:

  • Walt Downing (R5), Lone Star Section, USA
    "For dedicated leadership and outstanding contributions at the Region, Section and beyond, organizing students, academia and industry to grow membership and enhance collaboration"
  • Amit Kumar (10), Hyderabad Section, India "In recognition of exceptional dedication, leadership, and outstanding contributions to IEEE, including his pivotal role in extending IEEE's reach, IEEE Conferences and revitalizing Sections"
  • Howard Wolfman (R4), Chicago Section, USA
    "For outstanding and sustained leadership of the Life Member’s Committee and for actively volunteering across many segments of IEEE for over 55 years"

From Walt Downing, "I am honored and grateful to have received the following notification from IEEE, and thank those that nominated, supported, and selected me to receive this award. I also want to recognize and thank Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) for supporting my participation in IEEE professional activities for the last 45 years."

For more information on the IEEE MGA Leadership Award, please visit: