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2024 Lone Star Section Joint Chapter Events

4 months ago
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Dr. Jose Morales

On 11 April 2024, the IEEE Lone Star Section Joint Chapter hosted Dr. Jose Morales, who presented “Physics-Informed-Neural-Networks for the Wigner-Fokker-Planck Model of Open Quantum Systems” in the Archives. Morales, an assistant professor in the Mathematics and Physics and Astronomy Departments at The University of Texas at San Antonio, discussed current work on the use of Physics-Informed-Neural-Networks, or PINNs to solve the Wigner-Fokker-Planck model for open quantum systems. Morales is collaborating with Isaul Garcia, an undergraduate research assistant from UTSA, on this work. The event was co-sponsored by IEEE Women in Engineering.

Dr. Jose Morales


Dr. Garrett Jares 

On 14 March 2024, the IEEE Lone Star Section Joint Chapter hosted a talk by Dr. Garrett Jares of Southwest Research Institute. Dr. Jares presented, ""Secure Development of Machine Learning Against Poisoning Attacks." 

Dr. Garrett Jares


2024 Spring Planning Meeting

On 23 February 2024, the IEEE Lone Star Section Joint Chapter of Systems Council/Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society/Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society hosted its 2024 Spring Planning Meeting at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas, USA. 

A few highlighted events from the 2023 activity report

  • Student Branches from the University of Texas, San Antonio and the University of the Incarnate Word conducted a drone demonstration at the San Antonio Boeing Center at Tech Port during the Fiesta De Los Niños. This family-friendly event drew a crowd of several thousand and featured interactive technological activities and entertainment for K-12 students.
  • In conjunction with 2023 RADAR Conference, the Joint Chapter welcome IEEE Distinguished Lecturers Dr. Vijay Mishra and Dr. Karen Haigh for at Southwest Research Institute. Additionally, Dr. Karen Haigh taught a short course on Cognitive Electronic Warfare. 


Truman Hickok

On 8 February 2024, the IEEE Lone Star Section Joint Chapter of Systems Council/Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society/Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society hosted a talk by Truman Hickok on "Deep Continual Learning: Past, Present, and Future" at Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA. 

Truman is a graduate student at the University of Texas, San Antonio. He is broadly interested in techniques for building deep learning-based systems that allow general, robust, and multimodal world modeling, but has thus far focused on the subfield of continual learning research concerned with the design of episodic memory algorithms.

Truman Hickok