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Systems Council Newsletter: Q1 2024 President's Message

From SYSC President Walt Downing
1 year ago
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I am pleased to write this message to the 22,000 plus participants of the IEEE Systems Council as I begin my second year as President. You get greater value from your IEEE membership when you invest your time in technical activities. If you are looking for an opportunity to grow professionally, volunteer for a role on the Systems Council. I would be happy to help you get connected and look forward to collaborating with you as we advance technology for humanity! In case you are unfamiliar with Technical Councils, here is a brief description. Technical Councils are groups of Societies working together in multidisciplinary technical areas of mutual interest, primarily through conferences and publications. Systems Council promotes activities around the technical area of systems and systems engineering. The IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) approved establishing the Systems Council to provide a continuing mechanism for Societies interested in systems and systems engineering, known as “Member Societies,” to collaborate. Last year, Systems Council added two Member Societies, bringing our total to twenty. A Technical Council has no individuals as members per se, however IEEE members can elect to be “participants” of Technical Councils (at no charge). I would like to recognize the new Officers that begin their terms in 2024. They are Andy Chen (President-Elect), Paolo Carbone (VP Conferences), Shreekanth Mandayam (VP Finance), Fabrice Labeau (VP Publications), and Andre Oboler (VP Technical Operations). Continuing in office are Stephanie White (VP Member Services), Katie Wilson (Secretary), and Bob Rassa (Treasurer).

We look forward to holding the 18th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SYSCON) in Montreal, Canada, on April 15 – 18, 2024, and hope that you plan to attend. We will also be conducting several ancillary events for students, young professionals, and affinity groups during SYSCON. See the website for these activities.

On October 16 – 18, 2024, we plan on hosting the IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering in Perugia, Italy. We are also in the planning stages for the IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering later this fall. Stand by for more information about these conferences.

Best Regards,

Walt Downing

President 2023-2024