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Webinar: Engineering in the Future in the Post-COVID Era

4 years 7 months ago
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IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology Technologies Series

We are witnessing an extraordinary test of the human spirit the past few months as governments and institutions worldwide take steps to protect people and prevent the spread of the global pandemic resulting from COVID-19. The world as we knew it has changed; forever. IEEE’s mission of “Advancing Technology for Humanity” has never been more relevant. As we all work to learn the impacts on our global economy, two constants remain certain—innovation, and economic development, will remain critical drivers of regional and human success. Organizations like IEEE will play a vital role in this redeveloped world. With the switch to telework and telehealth, the technologies created by IEEE members are clearly making a difference and will continue to play an important role in the new world economy when we emerge from this pandemic. IEEE has the power to support our members worldwide, and hold our profession together during these uncertain times. Programs such as EPICS in IEEE, and IEEE’s Humanitarian Activities bring together students, NGO’s, and professionals to address challenges in their local communities through innovative technological solutions. This presentation will address the vast resources available through IEEE to keep our members connected, engaged, and supported – as we ‘Engineer the Future’ together in a post-COVID world.


Hosted by the IEEE UK & Ireland Chapter

Date: July 31, 2020
Time: 3:30 PM GMT+1  |  9:30 AM EST

Link to Join
Webinar ID: 840 2607 9656

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IEEE Ethics & COVID related Certification Initiatives
The IEEE Standards Association's Ethics Certification Program for Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (ECPAIS) aims to create specifications for certification and marking processes that advance transparency, accountability and reduction in algorithmic bias in Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS). The value of this certification process in the marketplace and society at large cannot be underestimated.  The proliferation of systems in the form of smart homes, companion robots, autonomous vehicles or any myriad of products and services that already exist today desperately need to easily and visually communicate to consumers and citizens whether they are deemed "safe" or "trusted" by a globally recognized body of experts providing a publicly available and transparent series of marks.