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Please Welcome Four New Student Branch Chapters!

2 years 1 month ago
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Systems Council gained four new student branch chapters. Please welcome IEEE Indian Institute of Science-Bangalore, Nanfang College-Guangzhou, Anil Neerukonda Institution of Technology and Sciences, and Swarnandhra College of Engineering Technology Student Branch Chapters from Region 10.  

If you are interested in more about our chapters or are interested in starting a new chapter, please visit:

Resources for Chapters: 
The Council provides technical and financial support to its Chapters for organizing events during the calendar year. To request funding or a Distinguished Lecturer or to learn more about the resources available to your Chapter, please visit our website. Additional volunteer resources can be found here.

If you are interested in learning more about our Chapters, starting a new Systems Council Chapter, or hosting a Chapter event, please contact the Chapter Chair, Fabrice Labeau at (Click to show email).