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Check Out 2022 ISSE on IEEE Xplore!

2 years 1 month ago
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We would like to thank everyone for participating in this Systems Council-sponsored conference. The 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering took place at the Vienna Marriott hotel, in Austria, from 24-26 October 2022. Dr. Wanda Peters from NASA hold a very interesting keynote speech that opened the symposium on Monday morning. After the speech, a long and interesting discussion started in the audience about the many challenges and opportunities that originated from the covered topics. If you missed ISSE 2022, the conference proceedings are now available on IEEE Xplore. Visit the website here.

The technical program included about 80 papers covering the main aspects of Systems Engineering: Systems Thinking, Agile Methods, Systems Requirements, Systems Security, Model-based System Engineering, and many others. Two special sessions on RAMS and on the theoretical foundations of systems engineering were also parts of the technical program. Being in its 8th edition, this symposium is now a mature venue for discussions about the state-of-the-art in the science of systems engineering, especially for European researchers in this field. The venue and dates of the next IEEE ISSE will be announced on the Systems Council website and through this newsletter. We are looking forward to your contributions!