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2022 RASSE Conference Review

2 years 1 month ago
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The IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering (RASSE) 2022 was held at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan, the southern part of Taiwan. This was the inaugural event for the new IEEE Systems Council flagship conferences in the Asia region. The planning of this event started in January 2021. Our tremendously hard-working and resilient conference organizers have created a high-profile, leading-edge, interactive forum for researchers, engineers, practitioners, and educators to exchange state-of-the-art research results and innovations, discuss industrial practice, and define future research topics in all aspects of systems science and engineering. The conference was opened by Dr. Sue, President of NCKU, and Dr. Dyer. President of IEEE Systems Council. We brought together over 20 industry leaders and experts around the globe to talk about different and exciting topics in all areas around the future of the Metaverse. We were delighted to welcome the industry sponsors such as Intel Corp, Wistron Corp, and Octon. We have some 40 excellent research papers presented in over 10 tracks. In addition, we’re also including a Ph.D. Forum and two tutorial sessions. Hu-Lien Chen, the recipient of the Best Paper Award for the Ph.D. Forum is shown with her advisor, Professor Jar-Ferr Yang.

The Industry Forum is a new integration for IEEE Systems Council’s conferences. It is designed to help facilitate a bridge between research and industry. The Industry Forum featured industry speakers and panels that discussed the technical directions of the industry and, most importantly, its challenges. The Industry Forum concept is not a product marketing event, but rather a program where the industry presents its technology challenges and researchers, if interested, attendees may contribute and engage to solve the challenges discussed.

In the conference closing ceremony, Dr. Mathew, Dean (Research), Saintgits College of Engineering (picture shown above) welcome all conference participants to attend IEEE RASSE 2023 on 8-11 November 2023 in Kerala, India. Stay tuned for future announcements of this prestigious event.