Council Awards
IEEE Systems Council Chapter of the Year
DescriptionTo recognize one Systems Council Chapter for significant activity and service to its members.
IEEE Systems Council Engineering Graduate Scholarship
DescriptionThe scholarship recognizes graduate students pursuing higher education in any Engineering discipline.
IEEE Systems Council Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship
DescriptionThe scholarship recognizes students pursuing their first professional degree in any engineering discipline.
IEEE Systems Council James O. Gray Graduate Scholarship
DescriptionNamed in memory of James O. Gray, the scholarship recognizes students pursuing graduate studies in process control systems engineering, plant automation, or instrumentation measurement.
IEEE Systems Council Outstanding Service Award
DescriptionTo honor long and distinguished service to the IEEE Systems Council at a level of dedication and achievement rarely demonstrated.
IEEE Systems Council Student Branch Chapter of the Year
DescriptionTo recognize a Systems Council Student Branch Chapter for significant activity and service to its members.
IEEE Systems Journal Best Paper Award
DescriptionThe IEEE Systems Journal Best Paper Award of the IEEE Systems Council will be given annually to the papers deemed the best among those published in the IEEE Systems Journal during the preceding cal
IEEE Awards
IEEE Fellows
DescriptionIEEE Fellow is a distinction conferred by the Board of Directors upon select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this presti