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IEEE MNIT Jaipur Student Branch Chapter Report

1 year 10 months ago
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Title of the Talk: “Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems”
Date: 20 April 2023 at 12:30-2:00 P.M
Organized by: IEEE Systems Council Student Branch Chapter and IEEE Student Branch MNIT Jaipur
Distinguished Lecturer: Prof. Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban
Recorded Video Link:
Summary of the Talk:
A Distinguished Lecture on “Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems” was organized by the IEEE Systems Council Student Branch Chapter MNIT, Jaipur. The invited expert, Prof. Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban (Member’12–Senior Member’15, IEEE), received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 2012. He is a Full Professor in Electrical Power Engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, and Cybernetics, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway. S. Padmanaban has authored over 750+ scientific papers and received the Best Paper cum Most Excellence Research Paper Award from IET-SEISCON’13, IET-CEAT’16, IEEE-EECSI’19, IEEE-CENCON’19, and five best paper awards from ETAEERE’16 sponsored Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer book. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, India, the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India, and the Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK. He received a lifetime achievement award from Marquis Who’s Who - USA 2017 for contributing to power electronics and renewable energy research. He is listed among the world’s top 2% of scientists (from 2019) by Stanford University USA.

He is an Editor/Associate Editor/Editorial Board for refereed journals, in particular the IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, IEEE ACCESS, IET Power Electronics, IET Electronics Letters, and Wiley-International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Subject Editorial Board Member—Energy Sources—Energies Journal, MDPI, and the Subject Editor for the IET Renewable Power Generation, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, and FACETS Journal (Canada). The webinar aims to provide knowledge about Power Electronics and Renewable Energy systems. The webinar also focuses on EVs, Batteries, Converters, Fuel Cells, and Renewable integration During the webinar presented by Prof. Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, he began by introducing the University of South Eastern Norway. Then he delved into the importance of power electronics in the realm of electric vehicle (EV) technology, as well as its future development. He summarized various EV configurations, including Battery Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric vehicles, Plug-in Hybrid Electric vehicles, and Fuel cells Electric vehicles.

The discussion then shifted to battery technology, with Prof. Sanjeevikumar providing an in-depth explanation of battery performance, goals, and parameters. A detailed examination of converters, including Buck, Buck-Boost, Interleave Boost PFC converter, Bridgeless/Dual boost PFC Converter, and ZVS FB converter with capacitive output filter for EV applications followed this. Prof. Sanjeevikumar also explored Fuel Cell EV (FCEV) technology and power electronics’ role in fuel cell power trains. He presented a hardware prototype setup and experimental results for a multiport configuration designed for renewable integration. However, the efficiency obtained by the experiment was lower than that obtained by simulation. The online seminar concluded with a discussion on the potential future of FCEVs. While they have the potential to be the future of EV technology, low-cost fuel cells and solutions to voltage instability, sag, and harmonics will be necessary. Additionally, research in areas such as charging, energy management algorithms, V2G, G2V, smart meter integration, and the integration of renewable energy sources will all be vital in ensuring the success and viability of FCEVs.

At the end of the session, a query session was held in which participants shared a few interesting questions. The online seminar was ended by Veerpratap Meena, Chair IEEE Systems Council student branch chapter, and Annaneya, Student member IEEE Systems Council. Dr. Vinay Pratap Singh, Faculty Advisor, IEEE Systems Council Student Branch Chapter MNIT, Jaipur, gave the Vote of thanks.


Prof. Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban
(Councillor of IEEE Systems Council student branch chapter), Program Chair and
Distinguished Lecturer — IEEE Systems Council.
Department of Electrical Engineering, IT and Cybernetics, University of South-Eastern
Norway, Porsgrunn, Norway.

Organizing Team
Dr. Vinay Pratap Singh (Faculty Advisor of IEEE Systems Council student branch chapter)
Veerpratap Meena (Chair of IEEE Systems Council student branch chapter)
Ghanshyam Meena (Vice Chair of IEEE Systems Council student branch chapter)
Yash Kumar (Secretary of IEEE Systems Council student branch chapter)
Annaneya (Treasurer of IEEE Systems Council student branch chapter)
Akanksha V. Waghmare (Web Master of IEEE Systems Council student branch chapter)

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