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IEEE Tech Talk: How Technical Standards Shape My Career

3 years ago
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In this webinar, we will have a live discussion with Dr. Nada Golmie, IEEE and NIST Fellow, on her professional career development through her active contribution to standards, her view on work-family balance, and her messages to Young Professionals and Women in Engineering for their career development in engineering & standards.


  • Title: How Technical Standards Shape My Career
  • Date: Friday, April 08, 2022
  • Time: 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Registration


Nada Golmie, Ph.D, Fellow in the Communications Technology Laboratory NIST

Nada Golmie received her Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Maryland at College Park. Since 1993, she has been a research engineer at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. She is an IEEE and a NIST Fellow in the Communications Technology Laboratory. Her research in media access control and protocols for wireless networks led to over 200 technical papers presented at professional conferences, journals, and contributed to international standard organizations and industry-led consortia. She is the author of “Coexistence in Wireless Networks: Challenges and System-level Solutions in the Unlicensed Bands," published by Cambridge University Press (2006). She leads several projects related to the modeling and evaluation of future generation wireless systems and protocols and serves as the NextG Channel Model Alliance chair.

Edward Au, Ph.D, Distinguished Engineer, Huawei Technologies Canada Co. Ltd.

Edward Au, Ph.D. is a Distinguished Engineer in Huawei Technologies Canada Co., Ltd. where he works on product certification, test bed development, and standardization of Wi-Fi. He is the Vice Chair and member-at-large of IEEE Technical Activities Board Committee on Standards that oversees the advancement and evangelization of technical standards activities across all IEEE Societies and Councils. He is currently the Chair of Computer Society Standards Activities Board standards committee that manage working groups and standards development projects that are under the purview of the Society and for new lines of work or for standards for which a viable standards committee has not been identified. He also actively participates and contributes to IEEE 802.11 Working Group. He is the founding Chair of the IEEE 802.11ay, which is aimed at developing an amendment for next generation unlicensed millimeter wave technologies for Wi-Fi, a co- editor of the IEEE 802.11 maintenance task group, which is chartered to develop revisions for the IEEE 802.11 standards, and an editor of the IEEE 802.11be, which focuses on developing a new major amendment for next generation Wi-Fi (a.k.a. Wi-Fi 7).

Edward is a recipient of IEEE SA Standards Medallion “For exceptional leadership and skill in driving the development of IEEE 802.11™ Wireless LAN standards” in 2021, and he was awarded the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Top Editor Award in recognition of outstanding performance for articles reviews in both quantity and quality for the journal, in 2013 and 2016.