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IEEE SC COVID-19 Related Announcements

4 years 8 months ago
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To All Members of Our Scientific and Professional Community

Dear Friends,

This is a hard time for everyone around the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The health and safety of everyone is the number one priority of our Council. We are working, in cooperation with IEEE, to avoid safety hazards without severely impairing the needs of our community, both globally and locally. We care for you, whatever it takes.

All activities which can be conducted remotely without physical interaction continue regularly.

Conferences, workshops and other technical meetings need to be rethought since we do not want to expose anyone to risks during travel and meetings. We are identifying the most appropriate solutions for each of these events by taking into account the health priority and the local regulations, by considering that presenting the results of research and practice is essential to share knowledge and allow our community to professionally grow, and by valuing the efforts of the event organizers.

Several of our sponsored conferences and workshops have already been rescheduled, even though we are trying to publish the proceedings as soon as possible. We are also looking for alternative ways to facilitate interactions among attendees. We will continue to work together with the organizers as we monitor this situation. 

We want to keep you informed as best as possible: please, continue to check this page for updates about our upcoming activities, especially our conferences and events. Let’s continue to work together for the benefit of our scientific and professional community, for the benefit of humanity.

Keep you, your families, and the entire community where you live safe! Proactively contribute to limit the virus spreading: avoid interactions in physical presence and be a role model in your community. All together, we can make it.

Vincenzo Piuri
IEEE Systems Council President (2020-2021)

Conference Updates

June 15, 2020

IEEE/NDIA/INCOSE Systems Security Symposium 2020 - Virtual
SSS 2020 will be held virtually from July 1 – August 1, 2020. 

IEEE International Systems Conference - Virtual
SysCon 2020 will now be held virtually from August 24 – September 20, 2020.

IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering - Virtual 
ISSE 2020 will now be held as a virtual conference, to be held between October 12 – November 12, 2020.

AIAA/IEEE Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium (EATS) - Virtual 
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) announced that all scheduled 2020 events and forums will be held virtually on August 26-28, 2020.

IEEE Radar Conference - Florence, Italy and Virtual Formats
The Radar Conference aims to use by physical and virtual presentations from September 21-25, 2020. Check the website for updates.

IEEE International Symposium on Circuts and Systems - Virtual
ISCAS 2020 will now be a virtual conference. The dates have been extended to October 10-21, 2020.

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Virtual
SMC 2020 will now be a virtual conference on October 11-14, 2020.