AI & The Future Workforce
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The Future Workforce – What Will the Future Enterprise Demands for Their Workforce?
The introduction of systems with unprecedented abilities in autonomous thought and action will force our future workforce to evolve our management practices. In order to optimize the output of systems that are more powerful and intelligent than us, we will need to develop ways of managing the new dynamics. One such
way is through ‘firm’ management skills; skills that will combine the ability to use soft skills, such as leadership and negotiation, with hard technical abilities.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning systems industries will need to begin segmenting into specializations for personal and professional needs. Professional AI systems will be owned and maintained by organizations, requiring higher levels of privacy and specialization than Personal AI’s. This
implies the need to examine our current practices for ensuring loyalty and productivity in our companies. We will need to establish management accountabilities in this new environment.
This poses an important question: As human kind and machines integrate further through the development of AI and automatic machine learning systems; how do we maintain the upper hand?
In his presentation, Mr. Chen will share highlights of the work his fellow IEEE members around the world have done in advancing research in the fields of AI, Deep Learning, High Performance Computers, Enterprise Architecture, and Future of Education.