Intelligent Transportation Design Technical Committee

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The Intelligent Transportation Design (ITD) Technical Committee aims to leverage knowledge and technology development as it relates to efficient, environmentally benign, safe, and reliable human and cargo transportation through all modes of travel. To achieve this goal, an intelligent process and monitoring of energy, material, and information are needed. The following list highlights the most prominent areas of research that closely tie in with the mission of the ITD:


  • Optimal design and control of adjustable speed motor drives.
  • Optimal design, monitoring, and management of battery storage systems.
  • Fast charging technology and infrastructure.
  • Wired and wireless transfer of electric power.
  • Optimal design and control of intelligent power electronic-based systems.
  • Thermal management and recovery.
  • Fuel Cell Modeling, Control, and Testing.
  • Electrification of aviation.


  • Hydrogen harvesting, delivery, and storage.
  • Permanent magnets, steel, copper, aluminum, and rare-earth metals.
  • Semiconductors and wide bandgap switches.
  • Coolants and phase-shift materials.


  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Autonomous and semi-autonomous driving. · Sensors and communication networks.
  • Data mining and vehicle-level control.
  • Human-machine interface.

This multidisciplinary nature of the focus areas speaks volumes to the future of research, education, and manufacturing and how it will be shaped. The ITD strives to be at the forefront of the electrification revolution and seeks help from all experts to join forces in transforming our future into one that is empowering and safe for the planet and for generations to come.