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Systems Council Presidents' Dinner at TAB

1 year ago
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The Systems Council hosted its first-ever dinner for the member society presidents during the TAB meeting series in Orlando, Florida, USA on 16 February 2024. SYSC plans to make this an annual event.

Andrea Belz, TEMS President
Andy Chen, SYSC President-Elect
Walt Downing, SYSC President
Magnus Egerstedt, CSS President
M. Sabrina Greco, AESS President
Jin-Woo Kim, Nanotechnology Council President
Luis Kun, SSIT President
Steven Li, RS President
Nasir Memon, Biometrics Council President
Frank Park, RAS Past-President
Manuel Ramirez, IMS President
Myung Hoon Sunwoo, CASS President
Stephanie White, Division X Director & SYSC VP Member Services
Joanne Wong, IEEE Entrepreneurship Steering Committee Chair
Weihua Zhuang, VTS President

Amanda Osborn, Operations Management
Laura Paul, Operations Management