
SysML Modeling for Optimizing ATE Designs and DMSMS Issues

Joseph M. Chaildin (Lockheed Martin, USA)  [email protected] 
Jared Boyden (Lockheed Martin, USA) [email protected] 
Allyson Bilskie (Lockheed Martin, USA) [email protected] 
Joe Headrick (Lockheed Martin, USA) [email protected]

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The System Modeling Language (SysML) provides an extensive structure of design development through diagrams based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) that define the structure, behavior, and requirements of a system. Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) systems can benefit from using the structure of these diagrams for optimizing ATE designs based on Test Requirement Documents (TRD) of avionics components or other complex systems and supporting Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) issues of the contained instruments. A SysML model of the TRD artifact can be generated to define the interfaces of the UUT to include capability needs for all the interfaces. The capabilities will be defined as inputs and / or outputs to the UUT and include needed mechanical, electrical, and control specifications as defined by the TRD. These capabilities can then be used for defining hardware and software requirements needed for the design of an ATE system and Test Program Set (TPS) for the UUT. This SysML model can be expanded further for providing a complete requirement set of the contained instruments. These instruments are typically Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products that are typically affected by DMSMS issues. When DMSMS issues arise on an instrument, the complete requirement subset for the instrument is defined in the SysML model and is readily available for the needed effort on determining a form, fit, function replacement by addressing all potential hardware and / or software interface impacts. Having a SysML model derived from a TRD and expanded to define all instruments in the ATE system will benefit the development TPS on the system and reduce sustainment issues of the system.