Euclides Chuma
Euclides Chuma
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He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Linköping, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Unicamp (2019), a Master's in Electrical Engineering from Unicamp (2017), a Specialist in Network Engineering and Telecommunications Systems from Inatel (2016), Specialist in Project Analysis from Unicamp (2003) and Graduated in Mathematics from Unicamp (2002). He has four patent applications and professional experience as an electronics and photonics software and hardware developer. IEEE Senior Member (2022). IEEE Impact Creators (2022); President of the IEEE Sensors Council South Brazil Chapter and President of the IEEE Systems Council South Brazil Chapter; IEEE Collabratec Lead Ambassador. Associate Editor at IET Circuits, Devices & Systems. Member of the Brazilian Society of Biomedical Engineering, SBFoton Society, Brazilian Society of Microwaves, and Optoelectronics. His areas of expertise include human-computer interaction, bioengineering, telecommunications, sensors, IoT, AI, healthcare, photonics, electromagnetism, characterization of dielectric materials, antennas, wireless energy transfer, software-defined radio, etc.